Mountain Housing Opportunities
Location: Asheville, NC
Year: 2022-current
Principals: Weber
Services: Organizations
Asset management plan for the organization. Weber; Organizations.
by Laurie in: Organizations, Principal, Project, Service, Weber
Location: Asheville, NC
Year: 2022-current
Principals: Weber
Services: Organizations
Asset management plan for the organization. Weber; Organizations.
by Laurie in: Organizations, Principal, Project, Service, Weber
Location: Needham, MA
Year: 2022
Principals: Weber
Services: Organizations
Organizational planning. Weber; Organizations.
by Laurie in: Organizations, Principal, Project, Service, Weber
Location: Quincy, MA; Portland, ME
Year: 2022
Principals: Weber
Services: Organizations
Facilitated planning sessions between separate property and asset management organizations with overlapping ownership in their organizations as well as the majority of the properties in their respective portfolios. Sessions developed strategies to improve the “top ten” areas needing clarification or change.. Weber; Organizations.
by Laurie in: Gould, Organizations, Principal, Project, Service, Weber
Location: Boston, MA
Year: 2020-2021
Principals: Weber, Gould
Services: Organizations
Strategic Planning; Board training on housing development basics. Weber, Gould; Organizations.
by Laurie in: Organizations, Principal, Project, Service, Weber
Location: Boston, MA
Year: 2019-2021
Principals: Weber
Services: Organizations
Assessment and recommendations of organization’s asset management of its rental portfolio; ongoing periodic asset management planning consulting. Weber; Organizations.
by Laurie in: Organizations, Principal, Project, Service, Weber
Location: Spokane, WA
Year: 2021-present
Principals: Weber
Services: Organizations
Asset management plan for the organization; ongoing coaching with Director of Asset Management. Weber; Organizations.
by Laurie in: Organizations, Principal, Project, Service, Weber
Location: Berkeley, CA
Year: 2022
Principals: Weber
Services: Organizations
Staffing analysis of Housing and Community Services Division of the City’s Department of Health, Housing and Community Services. Weber; Organizations.
by Laurie in: Organizations, Principal, Project, Weber
Location: Manchester, NH
Year: 2020-2021
Principals: Weber
Services: Organizations
Asset management staffing and organizational design planning. Weber; Organizations.
by Laurie in: Gould, Organizations, Principal, Project
Location: Boston, MA
Year: 2021-2022
Principals: Gould
Services: Organizations
Strategic planning retreat facilitation for Leadership Team (in-person and remote). Gould; Organizations.
by Laurie in: Gould, Organizations, Principal, Project, Service, Weber
Location: Detroit, MI
Year: 2021 – 2022
Principals: Weber, Gould
Services: Organizations
Strategic planning for recently-launched housing partnership. Weber, Gould; Organizations.
by Laurie in: Gould, Management, Operations, Organizations, Principal, Project, Service, Weber
Location: Massachusetts, statewide
Year: 2021 – 2022
Principals: Gould, Weber
Services: Organizations, Operations, Management
Worked with quasi-public housing financial institutions and state community development agency to create a program to efficiently distribute rental assistance to support residents of subsidized housing developments during pandemic. After a year of operations, program succeeded in helping nearly 11,000 families, and distributing over $33 million. Gould, Weber; Organizations, Operations, Management.
by Laurie in: Management, Organizations, Project, Service, Weber
Location: Boston, MA
Year: 2015 – Present
Principals: Weber
Services: Organizations
Analyzed property management organizational design and cost structure; created interactive financial model to evaluate alternative property management staffing and organizational designs; facilitated asset and property management planning during period of growth and change.
by Laurie in: Management, Organizations, Project, Weber
Location: Washington, DC
Year: 2019
Principals: Weber
Services: Organizations
Faciliated session on “Staffing Practices to Maximize Performance in Property Management” at annual CFO convening. Weber; Organizations, Management.
by Laurie in: Gould, Organizations, Project, Weber
Location: Turner Falls, MA
Year: 2020-2022
Principals: Weber
Services: Organizations
Provide advisory services relative to exploring creation of a regional housing authority in western Massachusetts. Weber, Gould; Organizations.
by Laurie in: Gould, Management, Operations, Organizations, Project, Weber
Location: Portland, ME
Year: 2020-2022
Principals: Weber, Gould.
Services: Organizations.
Housing development and property management business planning; financial modeling. Weber, Gould; Organizations.